Value First Approach
Virtual Meeting

Before the first planning meeting is scheduled, we will have a 20-minute virtual meeting to see if our firm can provide value to your unique situation. We do not want to waste your time and will answer any questions you may have to see if we are a good fit for one another.
If the conclusion of the meeting is to move onto the next step, we will follow up with an email to begin the data gathering for your free financial plan. We will ask you detailed questions to uncover planning opportunities and in return expect you to ask any questions or concerns that may be top of mind for you.
Financial Plan Delivery
We do not expect to be hired unless we can provide value. In this meeting, whether virtual or in person, we will deliver our first iteration of your financial plan. Your questions for seeking a financial advisor will be answered:
Can I retire?
What will my monthly income look like?
Will I run out of money?
Can I reduce my taxes?
Can my investment portfolio be improved?
Are there any risks that can be eliminated or reduced to ensure my family and legacy are protected?

Think on it and Paperless Onboarding

At this point, the only investment that has been made is your time. We do not expect any decision to made during our delivery meeting and will send you home with your financial plan to think on it. Our onboarding process is paperless and no documents need to be signed in our office. The decision to hire us will be made in a no pressure environment in the comfort of your own home.