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Client Communication Guide

Our main focus is on providing comprehensive support through our semi-annual Strategic Planning Meetings. These meetings serve as crucial touchpoints to ensure your financial plans are on track and aligned with your goals. However, we understand that life happens, and that's why we've established our Advisor Client Communication Guide. This guide is designed to provide access to us whenever you need assistance, while also respecting the circumstances outlined below.


It's our commitment to accommodate your needs and provide support whenever you require it, all while maintaining a professional and transparent approach. Life inevitably brings unexpected challenges, and we're here to help you navigate through them. If any priority level matter requires a more in-depth meeting after initial contact, we have dedicated office days outside of our Strategic Planning Meetings to accommodate your time-sensitive needs.

Strategic Planning Meetings:

These meetings are pivotal moments in your financial journey. They offer an opportunity to delve deeply into your financial plans, ensuring they align perfectly with your goals. Recommended twice a year, these sessions provide strategic updates and planning tactics to keep your financial course on track. Whether in-person (office location instructions) or over Zoom, we're here to provide comprehensive support for your financial success.



High Priority:
Emergency Call

Call our office or your advisor directly for urgent issues needing answers within 24 hours. This includes financial crises or time-sensitive matters requiring immediate attention.

Medium Priority:
Quick Meeting

Schedule a Zoom call or phone chat for matters needing discussion within 72 hours. This category is for issues that are difficult to handle via email and can't wait until the next Strategic Planning Meeting.

Low Priority:

Reach out via email for non-urgent matters or to make our office aware of something not time-sensitive. We'll acknowledge your email within 24 hours and provide a timeframe for resolution or addressing, typically within 48-72 hours.

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